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Gold CIL process

Cyanidation ---carbon adsorption process is the most widely used in gold cyanide extraction process . The principle in brief is the carbon could adsorb liquid gold from cyanide solution . In 1970s , with the research and establishment of adsorption of carbon loaded with gold and the recovery of carbon discharge gold , make recycle the carbon and reduce the cost , and easy to process the gold ore with low grade .



The gold CIL process is mainly used in the oxide ore which has low grade of silver , its more economize and has more benefit .

Process introduction

CIL process is mainly include : decontaminate , concentrate before leaching , leaching and adsorption , desorption and electrowinning , hydrometallurgy ,  regeneration of activated carbon , tailings filting , waste water treatement and so on .

1、Decontaminate impurity :remove the impurity like the bits of mood before cyanide adsorption , avoid the bits of mood adsorb the gold from slurry , avoid the bits of mood block the carbon separator .

2、Concentrate before leaching , usually to reach a suitable leaching concentrate , the slurry should be dewatered through the thickener before leaching , the concentration could influence the leaching time and influence the float of activated carbon .

3、Leaching and adsorption : put the slurry after decontaminated and concentrated into the high-efficiency leaching tank , there are 5-8 tanks normally , add cyanide solution into the former two tanks , add activated carbon into the other five tanks , activated carbon adsorb gold become the loaded gold carbon , the loaded gold carbon lift into the lifting screen by air lifter ,  the lifting screen separate activated carbon and slurry .

4、Desorption and electrowinning :  the desorption of activated carbon and electrowinning the liquid gold are completed in a closed system , in a high temperature and high pressure , activated gold carbon after desorption and electrowinning become gold pulp and barren carbon . Main equipment including : desorption column , acide tank , heater , filter , desorption tank , electrowinning tank and so on .

5、Smelting : after acide washing and decontaminate , gold ingot will be smelted . With the method of hydrometallurgy , the gold grade could be 99.99%.

6、Application of the regenerated activated carbon : the activated carbon after desorption make acide washing to remove the carbonate accumulate , after times of using that need heating activated to regenerate the carbon , then for recycling .  Main equipment including activated carbon regenerated tank , water quench tank , fine carbon separate screen .

Yantai Jinpeng Mining Mining Machinery is the professional manufacturer of mining equipment , product with high quality .


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