To protect environment and fully use resource, reselect the various valuable metal and nonmetal tailings. According to different tailing features, design reasonable tailing reselecting process to fully excavate tailing value.
1. Iron tailings:
The features of iron tailings from iron dressing plant is huge quantity, fine particle, many types, complex nature, etc. generally, use magnetic, flotation, acid leaching, flocculation, etc process to recycle iron from tailings.
2. gold tailings:
Generally, use cyaniding + CIL to recycle gold in old tailings. For gold tailings after cyaniding, use tailing dry discharge process, that is through screen, press filter, etc process to recycle filtrate and realize water reuse and remove cyanide at same time. For the iron in gold tailings, Jinpeng use magnetic and gravity separation to select.
3. lead zinc tailings:
After flotation, the main compositions of lead zinc tailings are quartz, sericite, etc. Except tailling pond stockpiling, dry stockpiling and filling mine, generally, use gravity, flotation, magnetic or gravity + flotation united process to recycle valuable element in lead zinc tailings.
4. copper tailings:
If the precious metal content is high in copper tailings, the selection will be easy and generally use flotation process. Another copper tailings also contain magnetite, to such tailings, generally, use acid leaching to settle copper, then use magnetic process to select magnetite if need.
5. fluorite tailings:
Use flotation process to reselect the fluorite tailings, roughing at first, then concentration. Before roughing, multi mix the flotation reagents to uniform distribution. Then use multi concentration to increase the concentrate grade.
6. wolfram tailings:
Use gravity, magnetic, flotation, etc process, and the gravity separation is the frequently used process. The gravity separation for reselecting wolfram tailings is spiral chute-centrifugal separator(or wet strong magnetic separator) as main roughing process, shaking table-flotation cell as main concentrate process.
7. Phosphorus tailings:
The main gangue mineral of Silicious Phosphorus is quartz silicious mineral. The floatability between gangue and valuable mineral is very different, generally, use flotation to select. The main gangue mineral of calcium phosphorus is calcite and dolomite. Jinpeng high frequently use the reverse flotation to flotine tailings.
8. graphite tailings:
Generally, use stage grinding and stage selection process to select, flotation and shaking table selection is the high frequently used process for graphite tailings. To comprehensive recovery the various valuable mineral in graphite tailings, it will need multiple beneficiation method work together.
9. bauxite tailings:
The common used beneficiation flowsheet is flotation and magnetic separation. The tailings can be treat by pond stockpiling, dry stockpiling and filling mine process.